HCSS HeavyBid Consulting Services


Professional Estimating Consulting Services


Indepth HeavyBid Training

I am in a new city training a new estimating department every week and after I show a simple function within HeavyBid there are two inevitable responses: “This would have saved us so much time!” & “We don’t know what we don’t know.”

I can help with that. After a few days of specialized training you’ll be surprised at the amount of saved time and boosted efficiency. Don’t let your estimating department flounder. Contact me to get started.


HeavyBid Coaching

HeavyBid coaching is the next level of estimating. Every great athlete needs a coach and the same is true of estimating departments! This does not replace a formal HeavyBid training, but can greatly enhance an estimators ability to implement the ideas learned either in a training or at UGM. Often times estimating departments don’t have the time or resources to hire a new estimator, and most of the time they don’t need to, they simply need to be taught more efficient ways of using HeavyBid. I can help with that.

After a few one on one remote training sessions your estimating workflow will see significant improvements.


Pricing Plans

*Additional days upon request

*Some areas will require an additional travel fee

Remote Training (Coaching)

4 hour (minimum)……………………………………………$800

8 hours………………………………………………………….$1,500


Remote HeavyBid Setup……………………………………$175

Removte HeavyBid Tunteup………………………………$175

Custom Instructional Videos………………Upon request

All customers receive access to my private newsletter.

On site Training

Two day on site…………………………………………………………………..$4,800 (includes 2 hours remote video followup meeting)

Three day on site training…………………………………………………$6,500 (Includes 4 hours remote training)

*Additional days upon request

*Some areas will require an additional travel fee

Remote training (Coaching)

4 hour (minimum) ……………………………………………………….$200/hour

8 hour…………………………………………………………………………….$175/hour


Remote HeavyBid setup ……………………………$175/hour

Remote HeavyBid tuneup………………………….$175/hour

Custom Instructional Videos………………..upon request

All customers receive access to private newsletter